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7/7/2023 0 Comments It has been a good week!We work with people for whom life is hard a lot of the time and it can be hard sometimes to know what to do, or what the right thing to say is. The external landscape can feel overwhelming, working in systems that are unjust and that present more barriers to recovery than solutions. However, we can end this week a little bit more hopeful of change…
Back in May, I wrote a piece in our newsletter about the Government consultation on the proposed new immigration plan. We wanted to take the opportunity to highlight this policy and the impact it could have on those we work with both now and in the future. At the time, Rebuild submitted a response to the consultation, along with many other organisations in the sector.
In general, as an organisation we welcomed a review of the immigration system; it is a system which we believe is unfair, unjust and often detrimental to those who have experienced Modern Slavery here in the UK and abroad. We also welcome opportunities to prevent, safeguard and improve victim care for ALL who have experienced Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. Unfortunately we feared back in May that the proposed plan would not do this and we find ourselves 6 months on with the new Nationality and Borders Bill, which does not alleviate those fears. As it stands, without amendments, the Nationality and Borders Bill has the potential to undo years and years of development in tackling Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in the UK. We are particularly concerned about part 5 of the Nationality and Borders Bill which pertains to Modern Slavery. Many of organisations working in the Anti-Slavery sector believe that this Bill poses significant risk to victims of Modern Slavery and we are calling for the Government to make amendments to mitigate these risks while they still can. Rebuild is one of over 100 organisations who have signed a statement sharing these concerns with the Government – Anti Slavery Statement. We believe we are at a pivotal point with the new Bill but there is still time to advocate for part 5 concerning victims to be removed or changes to be made that could make a significant difference. Please support this campaign by taking urgent action today Please email your MP asking for urgent amendments to the Bill in its current form. You can find your MP at: The Human Trafficking Foundation have put together a letter that you can send to your MPs asking them to support the anti-slavery sector’s proposed amendments to Part 5 of the Bill. Choose from either the template letter here Or use the template to compose your own letter. Remember to include your name and contact details: if your MP receives a personal letter from a genuine constituent, they are more likely to take notice. To see responses from the Anti-Slavery sector; The Nationality and Border Bill letting victims of Modern Slavery down – Karen Brady The Anti-Slavery Commissioners letter Immigration Bill will make it harder to prosecute human traffickers, top police officers warn |
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Rebuild East Midlands is a registered charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) 1182059 in England.